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Puppy Care & Reservation Information


***As the breeder, unless otherwise noted,

we reserve the rights to at least the first 2 picks from each litter.***


Puppy Care Information

All puppies are whelped and raised in the house with us for the first 3-4 weeks until the weaning process begins. Then they move to the puppy house where we begin the weaning process.

Puppies' weights are monitored weekly to ensure that all of the puppies are advancing at the same rate.

Puppies are dewormed at 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks, and 8 weeks.

At 6 weeks, the puppies are given their first shots.

Pictures are taken frequently to keep everyone involved in their progress.

We begin monitoring personality at 4 weeks of age.

Puppy picks are made in the order that deposits are received at 7 weeks. I take pictures and video clips at 7 weeks, and I contact each client as it is their turn to choose their puppy. 7 weeks is the best time to see videos of the puppies to give a more accurate look at personality. The puppies are going through constant changes and at 7 weeks you will have a better pictures of what they are like.

Reserving a Puppy

If you are definitely interested in a puppy, you will need to complete the puppy questionnaire.


After your puppy questionnaire is received, your questionnaire will be reviewed and any questions will be addressed.

When you are ready to send a deposit, the puppy deposit form will be emailed to you.

Picks are given in the order that the deposits are received, and if the particular pick is not available, than the client is given their choice of what remains, or waiting for the next litter to arrive.

Upon receipt of your deposit, your name is added to the reservation list, and you are notified of your placement.

Your deposit is held until the litter arrives, and you confirm that you want to apply your deposit to the litter.  At that time, your deposit becomes nonrefundable.

Puppy Delivery

We allow our puppies to go home at 8 weeks.  

We will deliver within a reasonable distance, and we also offer delivery to Grapevine, TX for our Texas families.   We are also now offering delivery to the Boston area on a frequent basis.  Delivery fee is determined by the distance traveled and the number of clients serviced by the delivery.

What comes with Your Puppy

Puppies come with a puppy packet that includes:

A written guarantee for 26 months on hips and 18 months on eyes

A ziploc bag of puppy food

A toy that has been played with by the puppy and its littermates.  (The scent of the littermates helps the puppy to adjust to its new surroundings easier.)

All puppies are sold with Limited Registration.  Limited Registration means that the dog is registered but no litters produced by that dog are eligible for registration.  A dog registered with an AKC Limited Registration shall be ineligible to be entered in a licensed or member dog show.  It is eligible, however to be entered in any other licensed AKC event such as obedience, tracking, field trials, hunting test, herding, lure coursing, agility and earth dog events.